30 Things To Be Grateful For Even When You Have Nothing

Published July 21, 2023
In times when we have nothing, it can be hard to find something to be thankful for. I mean, if you’ve lost your loved ones, your job, your home, what’s there to be thankful for?
Apparently, there are a lot of things to be grateful for, even when the universe seems to conspire against us. We just need to look past our troubles and see the glass as half full rather than half-empty.
That’s easier said than done, you may say. Yes, finding something positive out of all this chaos is not easy. But if we make gratitude a habit, then it’s definitely possible.
The Importance of Practicing Gratitude
Personally, I think that gratitude is one of the most underappreciated virtues. Admit it or not, many of us would rather complain than say “thank you”. It’s just easier to count our problems than our blessings. We’d rather complain about that long queue at the grocery counter than appreciate the fact that we’re still able to buy groceries.
This is why practicing gratitude should be part of our routine. It will help you think less of your troubles and appreciate your blessings instead.
Things to Be Grateful For Despite Everything
If you’re finding it hard to think of things to be grateful for at your lowest moments, here are some examples:
1. Being alive
Life itself is something to be grateful for. The fact that you’re still breathing and your heart is still beating, no matter how badly bruised, is one of the greatest blessings we can ever receive.
2. The ability to feel emotions
Joy, pain, fear, remorse – these are what make us humans. It’s what makes life a lot better.
3. Freedom of expression
The next time you express your frustration at the system, think about the people around the world who cannot. We’re still lucky because we can voice our opinions without fear of repercussions.
4. Friendship
True friends are one of life’s greatest treasures. So if you have found people willing to stick with you through thick and thin, you are indeed very lucky.
5. Having something to eat
No matter how dire your circumstances right now, if you still have something to eat, then you are much better off than some people around the world.
6. Kindness of strangers
If you’ve received kindness from someone you barely know, express your gratitude by paying it forward.
7. Experiences that molded you
Your past might be full of pain and disappointments but they helped you become the person you are today. They taught you valuable life lessons you wouldn’t learn in a book.
8. The air that you breathe
There are people around the world who have to live through smog and pollution. So if you are breathing in fresh air right now, you are lucky.
9. Having water to drink
Having ready access to potable water is something that millions of people around the world can only dream about.
10. Sunshine
More than just giving us light during the day, the sun also keeps us warm and helps our plants grow. Without it, we’ll be nothing.
11. This very moment
This moment right now is something you will never ever go back to for the rest of your life. Time is precious, and the fact that we get it for free is something we should appreciate.
12. The people that care for you
If you have people that care for you, constantly check on you, and want you to be a better person, they are your greatest blessings.
13. Bad days
If it were up to us, we’d rather not have bad days. But it is those days that make you appreciate the good ones.

14. Peaceful mornings
The relative serenity of early mornings is sometimes our only haven in this fast-paced world.
15. Living on this beautiful planet
The Earth might not be the biggest or the most beautiful planet in the universe but it’s perfect for us. This scarred but amazing planet has provided us with the means to live for billions of years.
16. Your voice
If you can still speak and sing, then consider it a blessing. Not everyone enjoys such privilege.
17. Your parents
Your relationship with your parents may not be perfect but they gave life to you. I’m sure they love you too, though they may have different ways of expressing it.
18. Having clothes to wear
Again, if you’re wearing clean clothes right now, you are better off than half the world’s population.
19. Being a citizen of a country
According to UNHCR, there are around ten million people around the world who are stateless. So even if you don’t like some aspects of your country, you should still be thankful that you have one to call your own.
20. The ability to love and be loved
Being able to give and receive love is one of the most special gifts endowed to us.
21. Your senses
The ability to see, hear, smell, and touch things is a blessing that not all people get to enjoy.
22. The people who rejected you
Rejections and disappointments make you stronger. So instead of hating on the people who rejected you, thank them. If not for them, you wouldn’t be the strong, courageous person you are today.
23. Your job
With unemployment rates skyrocketing, having a job in this economy is a blessing.
24. The people who hate you
Just like the people who rejected you, your enemies also help you become a better person. They inspire you to prove to the world that you are so much better than the person they think you are.
25. Nature
The seas, rivers, trees, mountains, and every creature that lives in them are a testament to Mother Nature’s generosity. It’s time we appreciate that and start taking care of her precious gifts.
26. Education
According to UNESCO, there are still 773 million illiterate people around the world. So, the fact that you’re able to read this post right now is already a big privilege. The knowledge and skills you gained through education have opened a world of opportunities that some can only dream of.
27. Access to transportation
It doesn’t matter if your car isn’t top-of-the-line or you have to take the bus to and from work. Having access to transportation itself is already a blessing. Just imagine what you’ll do if there are no cars, buses, planes, boats, or ships. You may never be able to leave your continent or see the clouds up close.
28. Music
Whether we’re happy or sad, angry or in love, we turn to music to express how we feel. But what if music didn’t exist? The world would be dull and lifeless. There would be no dancing, concerts, or festivities. So even if you’re tone-deaf or beat-deaf, you should still be thankful for music.
29. Access to the internet
The internet isn’t something you’ll probably come up with when thinking of things to be thankful for. But without it, you wouldn’t be able to read this post or read any type of blog, for that matter. Having access to the internet means having access to information at the tip of our fingers. Not everyone gets to enjoy that privilege.
30. The rain
The rain isn’t something you’d always appreciate, especially if you haven’t brought your umbrella. But in some parts of the world, rain is so precious and rare that festivals and special rituals are held in its honor. So even if you were caught off guard by the sudden downpour, consider it a blessing, and don’t forget to utter a thanksgiving prayer.
Embracing the Power of Gratitude
Practicing gratitude when life is beating down on you isn’t easy. In fact, it takes a special kind of inner strength and resilience to appreciate your blessings in times of hardship. That’s not to say, however, that it’s impossible.
You can start by appreciating the things you have, like the ones listed above. Remind yourself that no matter how dire the situation may seem, there is always a silver lining.
If you fill your heart with gratitude, there won’t be any room for discontent, self-pity, or greed. So embrace the power of gratitude, and step onto the path to a more fulfilling life.
Donate To The Poor & Homeless Of South Florida
Our Father’s House Soup Kitchen has fed the poor and homeless in South Florida over 900,000 hot meals since 1993. Our tax deductible non profit organization also accepts and distributes donations such as clothing, toiletries, shoes, bicycles, and more. You can donate to help the poor and homeless through our website.

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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer and devoted Christian. She has a passion for writing about topics related to morality and helping the poor and homeless. She is the lead author for the Our Father’s House Soup Kitchen blog.
Correct Digital, Inc is paid by private donors to provide website digital marketing services to this non-profit organization.