What Does It Mean to Share Your Blessings?

Published January 9, 2023
We’re all familiar with the phrase “share your blessings”. You’ve probably heard it multiple times before. But what does this really mean, and why is it so hard to do?
Admit it or not, when thinking about sharing what we have with others, there’s usually that hesitation. I mean, in a world where success is measured on your material possessions, the concept of giving away something we’ve worked hard for can be difficult to grasp.
Some may think that giving to the less fortunate is only for the super-rich because they have so much to spare. While others just find it hard to part ways with their money, especially if they get nothing in return.
If you’re struggling to grasp the idea of sharing what you have with others, no worries. That’s what this post is for. To help you understand the importance of sharing our blessings, let’s first define what it really means.
What It Means to Share Our Blessings
When someone tells us to share our blessings, the first thing that comes to mind is giving alms to the poor or donating to charity. But while these are great ways of helping others, sharing your blessings goes way beyond handing out money.
You see, sharing our blessings should be voluntary. It involves willingness and desire – a willingness to partake with your belongings and a desire to help others.
If you’re giving something to others because you’re expecting to receive something back or for personal gain, you’re not really sharing your blessings. You’re just facilitating an exchange transaction – giving something in exchange for another.
Also, if you’re sharing your blessings just because society tells you to, you’re just putting on a show. You’re not really sharing your blessings to help others but to impress the people around you.
Remember, giving should come from the heart. You must be ready and willing to sacrifice what you have so others can enjoy it too.

Why Should You Share Your Blessings?
Sharing your blessings not only benefits the receiver, but it can make a difference in your life too. Here are some of the most compelling reasons why you should share your blessings:
1. It can change someone’s life.
That piece of bread you discarded without a second thought? It could easily be someone’s only meal for the day. That spare change at the bottom of your bag that you’ve already forgotten? It could be enough to buy a day’s worth of groceries for a homeless family.
My point is the things that we take for granted can be a lifesaver for others. So we have no reason not to share our blessings with others. No matter how broke we might be, there’s always something we can share to ease the burden of our fellows. Whether it’s a hot meal or a random act of kindness, sharing what we have can change someone’s life.
2. It promotes a culture of giving.
Not many people realize it, but when you share your blessings, it promotes a culture of giving.
You see, when we receive something, it encourages us to give to others too. This kicks off a chain of giving where people share what they have with another without expecting anything in return. Just imagine if all of us could become part of this chain. It will be a better world indeed.
3. It provides a unique kind of satisfaction and happiness
Think about the last time you helped someone. What did you feel? It’s a different kind of satisfaction, right? Even if you did not receive anything, you still feel good about yourself. It’s strange, but it also feels great. That’s the unique kind of happiness that you can only get when you share what you have with others.
4. It’s a chance to give back.
As they say, no man is an island. In one way or another, the people around you contributed to everything that you have right now. Sharing some of those with them is a way of giving back and showing your gratitude with the people who helped you reach where you are today.
5. We are just channels of God’s blessings
Everything that we have right now came from God. But we are just channels of His blessings. He didn’t give all that to us so we can enjoy it by ourselves. He gave that to us so we can share them with those who need them the most.
Simple Ways to Share Your Blessings
Blessings come in all forms. So sharing your blessings doesn’t necessarily mean giving out money or material possessions. Here are some simple ways you can be a blessing to others:
- pray for others
- use your talents to help others
- help a stranger
- share foods with a homeless person
- pass on your skills
- donate to a cause you care about
- volunteer in a soup kitchen or homeless shelter
- do at least one random act of kindness every day
- spend time with your loved ones
- compliment or encourage someone
- practice mindfulness at all times
- donate used clothes and items to charity
Are You a Blessing to Others?
At the end of the day, only you can determine how you can be a blessing to others. Every single one of us has something that other people don’t. So every single one of us has the ability to bless others. Just remember that to be a blessing to others, you must first be willing to share your blessings.
Donate To The Poor & Homeless Of South Florida
Our Father’s House Soup Kitchen has fed the poor and homeless in South Florida over 900,000 hot meals since 1993. Our tax deductible non profit organization also accepts and distributes donations such as clothing, toiletries, shoes, bicycles, and more. You can donate to help the poor and homeless through our website.

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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer and devoted Christian. She has a passion for writing about topics related to morality and helping the poor and homeless. She is the lead author for the Our Father’s House Soup Kitchen blog.
Correct Digital, Inc is paid by private donors to provide website digital marketing services to this non-profit organization.