10 Reasons Why It Is Better to Give Than to Receive
Published May 11, 2023
You probably heard, a lot of times, that it is better to give than to receive. Unfortunately, in a transactional world, this phrase is slowly losing its meaning.
I mean, if we are to be completely honest with ourselves, we’d rather be on the receiving end. Or at the very least, get something in return for something we give.
Take helping others, for instance. Many of us would be more inclined to help a friend or family rather than a complete stranger. Why? Because we expect them to help us in the future too. The same cannot be required of strangers.
It’s no wonder why giving has become more of a duty rather than something that we actually enjoy doing.
But, in this post, we’re listing down some of the most compelling reasons why giving is better than receiving. We hope that this list will inspire you to aspire to be the giver rather than the receiver.
1. Giving makes you happy.
You may not want to acknowledge it but giving makes us feel good about ourselves. And it’s perfectly fine to feel so.
Helping others gives a different kind of satisfaction that no amount of material things can replicate. It makes you happy and boosts your sense of self-worth. It also helps you see the world in a more positive light and improves your relationship with others.
2. Giving can change lives.
Yes, no matter how small or insignificant it might seem, generosity has the power to change lives.
That sandwich you gave the homeless man in the corner may not cost that much. But it could have saved him from starvation.
Sometimes we fail to realize how big an impact our actions have on other people’s lives. But as a famous saying goes, even a single grain of rice can tip the whole scale.
3. You don’t need to be rich to give.
Everyone has something to give. Giving doesn’t necessarily mean handing out cash or other material things. You can also share your time, words of wisdom, or even your skills.
In short, giving isn’t only reserved for the rich. You can always give something regardless of your financial situation.
4. Giving creates ripples.
As Margaret Weiss once said, a single drop of water that falls into the ocean can create ripples. The same is also true for giving – it inspires others to give too. It creates ripples that will eventually cover the entire ocean.
5. Giving is honoring God.
God, Himself, is a giver. The life we’re living and every single thing we have all came from Him. So if you give of yourself to others, you are honoring God. Giving, therefore, is a way of thanking God for everything that we have right now.
6. Giving teaches us humility.
Sometimes, we get so absorbed in our problems that we tend to ignore other people’s sufferings. But giving makes us realize how insignificant our troubles and worries are.
It helps us see that there’s a world of suffering outside our own bubble and that we’re not the only ones going through a rough time. This realization of our very own insignificance teaches us to be humble and more empathetic toward others.
7. Giving teaches us about sacrifice.
When you have selfless intentions, giving can also be a lesson about sacrifice. I mean, you cannot give something to others without sacrificing something of yours.
For instance, to donate money to the needy, you may have to forego buying that new iPhone or taking a trip to a tropical location.
This is how giving teaches us about sacrifice. It trains us to put the welfare of others above ourselves.
8. Giving is an expression of your trust in God.
If you’re living from paycheck to paycheck, giving may seem like a luxury. You’re barely getting by yourself. If you help others, you may not have enough money to buy food or pay your rent.
But if you trust that God will provide, those hesitations will fade. That’s why giving is also an expression of your trust in God. When you give your last cent to someone who needs it more than you, it means you trust in God’s provision. You firmly believe that no matter what happens, you can rely on Him and He will always have your back.
9. Giving allows you to become a channel of God’s grace.
The blessings that we’re enjoying right now aren’t for us alone. God blessed us so we can bless others. Meaning, we are all vessels of God’s grace. And when we give, we allow God’s blessings and grace to flow through us and into the people who need them the most.
10. God loves a cheerful giver.
With the economy as it is right now, someone who gives cheerfully or even just voluntarily is quite rare. That is why God loves a cheerful giver. He doesn’t want us to give just because we feel obliged or pressured by others. He wants us to give because we genuinely want to change lives and make a difference.
Donate To The Poor & Homeless Of South Florida
Our Father’s House Soup Kitchen has fed the poor and homeless in South Florida over 900,000 hot meals since 1993. Our tax deductible non profit organization also accepts and distributes donations such as clothing, toiletries, shoes, bicycles, and more. You can donate to help the poor and homeless through our website.
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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer and devoted Christian. She has a passion for writing about topics related to morality and helping the poor and homeless. She is the lead author for the Our Father’s House Soup Kitchen blog.
Correct Digital, Inc is paid by private donors to provide website digital marketing services to this non-profit organization.