What Does Having a “Pure Soul” Mean?

Published May 20, 2022
Have you ever heard someone tell you that you have a pure soul? If you did, you probably thanked them and went on your way. But have you ever thought about what having a “pure soul” really means?
In literature and popular culture, a pure soul usually refers to someone with a good heart. But is it really just that or is there more to it? More importantly, how do you know if someone has a pure soul?
The Meaning of Pure Soul
The words “pure soul” can have different meanings for different people.
On Quora, for instance, someone answered that a pure soul is someone with honest intentions. They’re the type of people who do things for the sheer joy of doing them without regard for any extrinsic rewards. They don’t seek fame or glory. Instead, their decisions and actions come from what they believe is right and just.
Another person also said that a pure soul is someone who lives for others and whose heart is filled with compassion. They are the people who treat others equally and are ready to sacrifice their lives for them.
From a religious and philosophical standpoint, a soul is considered the essence of a human being. It’s something that gives us individuality and humanity. So in this regard, someone with a pure soul means that their sense of self is untainted or uncorrupted by all the bad things happening in the world. This is why some people say that babies have such pure souls. That’s because their souls are not yet exposed and jarred by the ills of society.
In Jainism, for example, pure souls are the ones that are “liberated”. They are devoid of all the impurities of karma. As a result, they have broken free from greed, lust, anger, and other things that make the soul impure.
From all these definitions and with everything that’s happening in the world today, someone with a pure soul can be extremely rare. But that’s not to say we can’t become one.

How to Tell If You Have a Pure Soul
If you’re wondering whether or not you’re one of those untainted ones, these pure soul characteristics can serve as your gauge:
1. You’re always willing to help other people.
This is one characteristic that truly distinguishes a pure soul. While most people would stop and think about the pros and cons of helping someone before doing anything, a pure soul would jump right in and do what they can to help. They don’t ask themselves what they can get out of helping that person or if the world will know of their actions. They just help because they know it’s the right thing to do.
2. You treat everyone fairly.
Pure souls don’t see race, color, wealth, or social standing. For them, everyone is created equal and treats them thus.
3. You understand people from their point of view.
Empathy is one of the strongest traits of someone with a pure soul. Because they don’t harbor any ill intentions or are guided by selfish motivations, they can easily see through people. This makes it easy for them to put themselves in other people’s shoes and see things from their perspective.
4. You give without expecting anything in return.
Just like when helping others, pure souls give without expecting anything in return. Be it things, time, or affection, a pure soul is always ready to share whatever they have.
5. You get upset when you witness an injustice.
A pure soul’s strong sense of justice and fairness doesn’t allow them to just stand back and watch while injustice is happening. They’ll strive to correct that injustice to the best of their abilities.
6. You rescue animals.
One of the first signs of a pure soul is the willingness to rescue animals. Seeing an animal wandering the streets, hungry and shivering, breaks their heart. That’s why they’ll do whatever it takes to give these poor, forgotten animals a loving home.
7. You always see the good in people.
With everything that’s happening in the world today, we’ve become so distrustful that seeing the good in someone can be a tough job. But a pure soul will always see the good in a person. It doesn’t matter if they’re the pope or the most wanted criminal on the planet, a pure soul will always find something positive about that person.
8. You have no problem saying sorry.
Admit it or not, saying sorry and accepting our faults is not one of humanity’s strongest suits. It hurts our pride to admit that we are wrong. That’s why saying sorry requires lots of courage and humility – something that a pure soul has in abundance.
(Related: 5 Times Jesus Taught Us About Kindness)
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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer and devoted Christian. She has a passion for writing about topics related to morality and helping the poor and homeless. She is the lead author for the Our Father’s House Soup Kitchen blog.
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