Our Services

Hot Lunches & Food Pantry
We provide meals to the homeless in our area five days a week. Meals include a hot lunch as well as sandwiches and snacks they can take with them.

Personal Hygiene Items
Five days a week we provide essential hygiene items to those who need it. We provide tooth brushes, tooth paste, floss, feminine products, and more.

Baby Diapers
We provide baby diapers for those who need them. We understand this is an expensive and essential item for babies and toddlers.

Someplace To Live Program
This program helps single mothers and their children find housing to help their desperate situation.

We provide blankets to the homeless. Living outside means being exposed to harsh conditions. A blanket can make all the difference.

Refurbished Bicycles
Four days a week we provide refurbished bicycles to the homeless. Due to the cost and scarcity of bicycles we give these out to those who we deem to have earned them.

Bus Passes
Bus passes are essential to helping the homeless get to our location to receive care. We help provide bus passes to those who truly need it.

Clothing & Shoes
Five days a week we provide clothing to those who need it. We provide donated shirts, pants, shorts, socks, underwear and shoes.

Glasses For The Homeless
We provide glasses for the homeless who need them. Being able to see clearly is important for getting the homeless back on their feet.
Volunteer Professional Barber
Every Tuesday a volunteer professional barber cuts the hair of the homeless who need it. This helps them get jobs and look presentable at interviews.
Home Furnishings
Often, we provide home furnishings to needy families when there is a need. Those who donate their home furnishings will be helping the poor.
Gas For Cars
We provide gas for vehicles for families. We have a special fund for gas money to those who live in their cars or have been forced to live in them.
Work Boots
Often, the only thing holding someone back from employment are acceptable work boots. We provide work boots to those who qualify for this program.